「eva0195 みなみん」の動画

「eva0195 みなみん」の紹介文
真夏の湘〇でナンパした美女コンビ。どうやら2人は大学のお友達のようで、揃って体育系の大学でアスリートをしているとのこと。砲丸投げをやっているという【みなみん】ちゃんは見た目はギャルだけど彼氏無しの真面目清純派。長らくご無沙汰だった体は我慢の限界だったようで、マッチョ男を早々にロックオン◆ 夜に再合流してホテル飲みが開始されると早々にセックスムードに。大好きなマッチョのチンポをねだるように吸い付きまくりマ〇コ濡れまくり。激しく突かれまくりで筋トレしてる鍛えられた体がキュンキュンしちゃってます。途中お友達とのWフェラご奉仕も◆ 次第と本気になっていき最後は勢いよく中出し◆ 予定外の事態に一同焦りが隠せない中、当の本人のみなみんちゃんが「中出しはまだ早いって…」と本音をポロリ。完全に付き合う前提の本気セックスをしちゃってたみたいですね。
A beautiful woman duo who picked up in midsummer. Apparently, the two are friends at university, and they are both athletes at a university specializing in physical education. [Minamin], who is said to be throwing shots, looks like a gal, but she is a serious innocent person without a boyfriend. – It seems that the body that has been absent for a long time was the limit of patience, and the macho man locked on early ◆ When I rejoined at night and started drinking at the hotel, I was in a sex mood as soon as possible. – Sucking on her favorite macho as if begging and getting wet. – The trained body that is training muscles by being violently poked is squeamish. On the way, W service with friends ◆ Gradually it becomes serious and at the end vaginal shot vigorously ◆ While everyone can not hide their impatience with the unplanned situation, Minamin-chan, the person in question, says, “It’s still early to vaginal shot …”. – It seems that she had serious sex on the premise of dating completely.