「simm759 そら」の動画

「simm759 そら」の紹介文
《J◆ PROFILE》《name:そら》《age:18》《カップ数:?》【いちご大好き萌えぼギャルJ◆】【今日は被写体募集で知り合ったそらちゃんと撮影も兼ねていちご狩りへ。実は僕J◆が大好きで合法的に撮るためにこういうことしてます(笑)待ち合わせに着くと《金髪+青ジャージ》最強セット&萌え声というギャップも兼ね備えたピチピチJ◆…(歓喜)荒ぶる性欲を抑え早速いちご狩りへ。ホワイトベリーが有名らしく何個か採ってホテルへ。来ましたこの瞬間。まずは普通に撮影START。何枚か撮っていくうちに興奮抑えられなくなって、いちごのシミ付いたら大変だから(?)と食べてもないのに理由付けて脱がしていくことに成功。もしかしてこの娘押しに弱い…?最終的に裸になりました…wキスしてもあまり抵抗ないから調子乗っておもちゃを取り出すと『嫌だ…』と少しづつ抵抗するも関係なしに気持ちいいとこ攻める◆体は正直になってきたから立ちバックで挿入したけどまだ嫌がる…おじさん頑張る!!背面騎乗位→立ちバックの猛攻についに『気持ちいい…気持ちいい!!』と…。たまらず無責任にも中出しwwこの日の為に精子溜めてきたから2回戦突入!部活着に着替えさせオイルぬりぬりスレンダーボディを堪能。華奢な体に猛烈ピストン→顔射してすっきりwこれだからやめられねえ…!次もまたJ◆狙って撮影していくのでお楽しみにしてください。】
《J◆ PROFILE》《name:Sora》《age:18》《Number of cups:? 》 [Strawberry lover Moebo Gal J ◆] [Today I went strawberry picking with Sora-chan, who I met through subject recruitment, and also took a picture. Actually, I love J ◆ and I’m doing this to take a legal picture (laughs) When I get to the meeting, I get to the meeting with the “blonde + blue jersey” The strongest set & moe voice Gap is also a perfect J ◆ … (Delight) Suppress your raging sexual desire and immediately go strawberry picking. White berries seem to be famous, so I picked some and went to the hotel. I came to this moment. First of all, start shooting normally. As I took a few pictures, I couldn’t control my excitement, and it would be hard if I got strawberry stains (?). Even though I didn’t eat it, I succeeded in taking it off for a reason. Maybe this girl is weak to push …? I ended up naked… w I don’t resist much even if I kiss it, so when I get on and take out the toy, I resist little by little, saying “I don’t like it …”, but I attack it that feels good regardless ◆ My body has become honest, so I inserted it with a standing back, but I still don’t like it … Good luck uncle! !! Standing → back cowgirl, the onslaught of the back finally says, “It feels good … It feels good!!” And…. Irresistibly and irresponsibly vaginal shot ww I’ve been accumulating sperm for this day, so I’m entering the second round! – Change into club clothes and enjoy the oil coloring slender body. – A fierce piston on a delicate body → a facial shot and it’s refreshing w I can’t stop because it’s this …! Please look forward to shooting with J ◆ aim again next time. 】